Pradhan Mantri Yojana / Prime Minister Schemes app provides list of all the Narendra Modi schemes along with all the schemes from the central & state governments in India.
It provides all the important details for all the schemes such as highlights of the scheme, eligibility to apply for the scheme, document required for the schemes, how to apply for the schemes and references for the schemes.
Disclaimer & Notice: This is not the official application for any government scheme nor associated with any Govt. body. Please do not treat this as official application and do not leave your contact / personal information such as Aadhar Number or Mobile No. in the comment below.
Hope you enjoy this application and your feedback will be appreciated.
Thank you.
Pradhan Mantri Yojana /总理计划应用程序提供了所有Narendra Modi计划以及印度中央和州政府的所有计划的列表。